As part of the company’s commitment to those most disadvantaged, recently it has developed a specific project to promote actions in the field of education in Tarasaa, Kenya, sending a range of INSTANT school materials, which have been given out to the children at different local schools.
The company also collaborates to disseminate the actions carried out by the Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) Association. FXS is a genetic condition related to the X chromosome and can cause difficulties ranging from learning challenges to intellectual disability. In February the company provided PLAYCOLOR materials for the first Paseo en Rueda Pequeña event, which were used in different drawing and painting workshops organised for the participants.
We also collaborate with Cáritas and the Red Cross.
DUNSA is a company committed to sustainability. One of our main objectives is the development of sustainable production processes. We are committed to reducing waste, pollutants and preservatives and also to the recycling of materials at each stage of the life cycle of our products. Our employees are committed to recycling and to protecting the environment. Our school paints and our range of EDUCA products are free of solvents and the packaging is 100% recyclable. DUNSA is a member of the ECOEMBES (Green Dot) Integrated Management System. We are a committed company.